Discover Seoul with a Local Bestie

We have another exciting experience to share with you. But this isn't your average travel escapade. Fany cracked the code to Seoul's hidden gems and local haunts all thanks to her Greeter! Her local bestie in Seoul. Yep, you heard it right – a local friend to show her the ropes! 🌸🗺️

Still not 100% convinced to book a Greeter for your next trip? Well, maybe his experience will help you make up your mind.

By the way, did you know that we already have Greeters in over 100+ countries?

Keep reading and find out more! 😉👩‍💻

Q&A with Fany Cherrys

Was this your first trip to Seoul? What was your first impression of Seoul? Did it change throughout your trip?

It was my first trip, I definitely changed my perception of Koreans after visiting them.

How did having a Greeter help you on your trip to Seoul?

She showed us things we would never have tried on our own and places we might not have been to.

What did you think about Greether after your Greether Experiences?

I love it! From the first time I heard about this page, I wanted to use it, I had a friend who went on a trip to Poland and had appendicitis and many problems because she could not communicate or know anyone there, that was my travel trauma always until I met Greether! I am definitely going to use it in every country I go to and have a friend in every part of the world.

Female travelers in Seoul

Fany, her friend Paula & their Greeter

“I recommend Greether 100%, it gives me a lot of peace of mind knowing that I have someone there for any emergency and to show me around, it really is like having a friend waiting for you.”

- Fanny Cherrys

What motivated you to travel to Seoul? How did you make that decision?

Kdramas and kpop

What was your favorite part of your trip to Seoul?

The border with North Korea

Female travelers in Seoul Korea

Photo by Fany Cherrys

Tell us more about the activities or places you visited with your Greeter.

We visited the Myeondong market, and we ate delicious food.

Regarding transportation, was it difficult for you to move around Seoul or Korea in general? (Tell us how you navigated and what you recommend to other travelers)

Google Maps works but it doesn't have well-mapped streets, it shows you the routes in a straight line, we use a combination of Google Maps and Kakao Maps

Do you consider Seoul to be an expensive destination? What was your favorite place in Seoul?

No, Seoul is a wallet-friendly wonderland for travelers, thanks to its affordable public transport, enticing street food, free attractions, and diverse budget accommodation options.

My favorite place was Gangnam, which is amazing for its combination of upscale shopping, trendy nightlife, and iconic attractions like the COEX Mall and Bongeunsa Temple

Tell us something that has surprised you during your trip or an anecdote!

We got lost on the way to the Seoul tower, we took a route that was like hiking and it took us 1 hour to climb, to later realize that there was a truck that was taking us and a cable car

What was the most difficult thing about traveling there as a Spanish-speaking woman? Do you have any tips or recommendations for women who want to travel solo for the first time to Seoul or South Korea?

Most people speak English, download the Google Translator app and select the option to translate with images and that will save your life

Fany Cherrys in Korea

Photo by Fany Cherrys

What cultural differences or customs surprised you the most during your visit to Seoul?

The food is very spicy because of the spices, even for a Mexican

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience on this trip?

Download the Kakao Maps and Kakao Taxi apps before arriving in Korea because they ask you to verify your number and with the SIM there you can't. Also, do not arrive on flights that are beyond 8 pm because there is no public transport, only taxi that is hyper mega expensive.

Solo female traveler in South Korea

Photo by Fany Cherrys

Want to book a Greeter for your next trip to Seoul?

Click here

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To connect with Fany:

Instagram: @fanycherrys

Tik Tok: Fanycherrys

Facebook: Fany Cherrys

Twitter: @fanycherrys


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